English translation of Sodalitium No 69 available for download

Our tireless translator just finished working on July 2018 issue of our magazine, No 69.

This is the link for the download.

These are the articles you will find in it:

  • Editorial [Page 2]
  • The Wedding Feast at Cana, the first miracle performed by Jesus, the mediaton of Mary [Page 4]
  • General Hermann Kanzler [Page 20]
  • Book reviews
    • The Shame of Tradition [Page 28]
    • “Baron Corvo. The sentimental voyage of Frederick Rolfe” [Page 29]
    • Radio Spada: Where it came from and where it is going [Page 51]
    • “Social History of the Church” by Mons. Umberto Benigni: Volume 3 [Page 54]
    • An astrologer for Radio Spada [Page 56]
  • I don’t believe it, but it’s true! (Act II) [Page 60]
  • A gnostic in Reggio Emilia (the afterlife according to Maurizio Blondet) [Page 65]
  • The apostolate of Father Arnold Trauner [Page 66]
  • Institute Life [Page 68]

…And this is the page where you can find the translation of other issues of our magazine (you will just have to click on the covers to download the related issue).